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Neutral contemporary woven art

Gallery  |  Landscapes

Landscape weavings are a labour of love to capture the feeling of a place, and the tonal variations that make it special.

When I start a new series of landscapes I like to take a lot of reference photos from many viewpoints, like the one below of Newlands Corner. Then I consider what yarns I might need - for the Surrey Hills series I dyed up a couple of batches of lovely variegated greens. I adore this phase of experimentation to get just the right shades and tones for special places, and it is just so satisfying...

I also love to play with different textures in the landscapes. For example, the rocks below use knotting to add some lumpiness, and I also use knotting for hedges and woods. Once the weaving is off the loom it is ready for embroidery to in add hedgerows or grasses in the foreground - the finishing touches really help to make the weaving sing!

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